22/AOA Ski U14 2009/2010 (July 25-29)
Purchase required to enroll
Geared towards ski racers, the focus of this camp is to build skills in many different facets of movement to provide a physical framework to be successful in the sport of ski racing. Physical conditioning, recovery and nutrition principles will be key parts of the daily program. With special guests from the Provincial coaching staff, you will learn about life on the road and what it takes to get to the next level. Active Life has over 20 years of experience building physical literacy and conditioning in ski racers.
Cancellation policy
You can cancel prior to May 1 with 75% refund. You can cancel prior to June 1 with 50% refund.
If the camps are cancelled due to Provincial Covid restrictions you will receive a full refund.
If the camps are cancelled due to Provincial Covid restrictions you will receive a full refund.
No upcoming schedule